Semester: 6 / Spring
Lectures/Classes: 15 / 30 hours
Field of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Study cycle: 1st cycle
Type of course: compulsory
Prerequisites: English language sufficient to understand technical documentation.
Contact person: Kamil Smolak;
Short description: Classes include theoretical issues and practical exercises designed to provide knowledge and skills to extend the functionality of existing GIS software. Students become familiar with the capabilities of programming in QGIS software using Python language. They learn the basics of this programming language
Full description: During the course, student familiarises himself with the modern methods and techniques for GIS programming, in particular the ability to create scripts in QGIS software. Student learns the basic concepts of representation and implementation of spatial data in these software. Student learns the basics of Python programming language including object-oriented programming techniques. Practical classes related to the use of Python programming language in QGIS software, with particular emphasis on vector and raster data processing.
Bibliography: Compulsory: PyQGIS Developer cookbook – available as web page, · QGIS API Documentation – available as web page, · M. Lutz: Programming Python, · Teachers presentation, Optional: M.Pilgrim – Dive into Python, Python course · ArcGIS Pro ArcPy Reference, · M.Pilgrim – Dive into Python, ​ ​ Python course.
Learning outcomes: Knowledge Student knows the basics of building and principles of GIS and the possibility of extending the functionality of the system. Student has knowledge of custom spatial data acquisition and processing using scripting languages. Skills Student can implement additional functionality of GIS available as a plug-in or script, including functionality allowing for custom spatial data acquisition and processing. Social competences Student can interact with other members of the project team. He understands the need for creative and alternative solutions.
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: grade obtained at classes (60%) + grade obtained at lectures (40%)

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